Monday 10 November 2014

How To Achieve A Big Goal??

Everyone has a huge personal goal they want to accomplish a big, challenging, amazing goal. They think about it, dream about it, obsess about it but most of us never accomplish it. My big goals? I want to quit my day job and spend my time with my kids. It's achievable, but I know it takes a long time to achieve it. How about yours? Do you have small or big goals?  Or maybe you think your goals are just too big to accomplish? So for today's post I want to share how to achieve the goals. From Mr. Google, I find there are 5 key characteristics of successful goal setting.

1) Write your goals - Just write your goals. Big or small ones, and then take a look at each goals. If the goal are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and has deadlines. Your goal is realistic. So, continue with the next step.

2) Break the goals into smaller steps - Small task is more easy to complete. Remember A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Every time you finish a task give yourself a small gift to motivate yourself to complete the next task.

3) Believe it possible - Every time you want to accomplish a new task, just believe in yourself. No one will believe in whatever you do, except you.

4) Take ACTION - No matter how small or big  your goals, if you don't take action. Nothing will change. So, let's get started!

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